Title Category PDF
CIR Decision nr. 1/2016 CIR Decisions CIR Decision nr. 1/2016
Management of synchronous operations on domain names of the ccTLD.it - Guidelines Version 2.2 Regulations and Guidelines Management of synchronous operations on domain names of the ccTLD.it - Guidelines Version 2.2
Registrar contract 2016-2019 Forms Registrar Contract 2016-2019 Addendum to the Registrar Contract 2016-2019
Change of Registrant data for subject other than a natural person Forms datiRegistrante_altri.rtf datiRegistrante_altri_0.pdf Registrant data for other_eng .pdf
Rules Committee Minute 45 (Italian version only) CIR Minutes Verbale-CR-15-01-2009.pdf
Request to cancel a domain name object of an active opposition procedure – subject other than an individual person Forms Richiesta cancellazione nome a dominio con opposizione attiva soggetti diversi da persona fisica .pdf Richiesta cancellazione nome a dominio con opposizione attiva soggetti diversi da persona fisica .rtf Request to cancel a domain name object of an active opposition procedure – subject other than an individual person
Access to data and documents for an individual person Forms Accesso_persone_fisiche.rtf Accesso_persone_fisiche.pdf application_for_access_to_data_individual_persons.pdf
Application for reserved domain registration.pdf Forms Richiesta registrazione domini riservati .pdf Form for registering a reserved domain name .pdf
Technical procedure guidelines for accreditation of Registrars Regulations and Guidelines Accreditation_technical_procedure_v2.1.pdf
Disputes resolution in the ccTLD.it - Guidelines Version 3.2 Regulations and Guidelines Disputes resolution in the ccTLD.it - Guidelines Version 3.2